Kyoukai No Kanata's first season is officially finished. Sadly there is no official news yet about a second season for our beloved anime. I honestly believe there will be a second season for Kyoukai no Kanata because firstly, on episode 11 Akihito told his mother "Someday I expect you to tell me about myself". Now that isn't really a big hint but, it leaves more questions about who Akihito Kanbara really is. There are still a lot of unanswered questions in the anime, like who is the old man in the cave like place in the Nase household, who is Yayoi Kanbara exactly and the biggest question for me is, who or what is Akihito Kanbara's Father!. There are lot's of questions they haven't exactly answered yet in the anime. That leaves me believing there will be a second season.
Now to talk more about Kyoukai no Kanata or Beyond the boundary in english, What episode is your favorite? I personally loved episode 4: Bitter Orange, It is, in my opinion the best and most emotional episode for the whole season. The scene where Mirai see's in person who Akihito really is and Mirai recalling her question to Akihito "Do I look like a normal person?" really got me, but the most epic part of the episode is Akihito's rampage. The fact that he was that powerful really got me excited, I kind of wanted to see Akihito control his Youmu half and become the most badass character but sadly it didn't happen. I hope that they make a second season soon and make it so that Akkey finally gains control over Kyoukai no Kanata.
Well thank you for reading! please tell me what your favorite Kyoukai no Kanata episode is, and what you think about a second season.
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