Saturday, December 28, 2013

Top 10 Strongest Characters in the DC universe Part TWO

Ok! thanks for continuing to read my top 10 Strongest Characters in DC post!

5. Michael Demiurgos

Many years ago, during Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven,Michael Demiurgos led God's forces against Lucifer but during the battle he was felled by Sandalphon when he exposed his back. From that point on, he was kept in captivity by "Lucifer's follower" whose grand scheme was to use Michael's genetic material to create an army of angels with the Demiurge inside them.

The majority of these children were failures but one, his prize, was not, for even better than having the Demiurge inside the child, the child was a female, meaning she could sexually create even more servants for him, she was of course Elaine Belloc. But before Sandalphon could put these plans to fruition, none other than the man he thought he served, Lucifer, came to collect both Elaine and Michael from Sandalphon for he himself needed them. So it was that Michael was revealed to be dying and that should he die, the release of the power within him would destroy the universe.

So, Lucifer brought Michael to where the Lux once stood in Los Angeles (The Host were at that point trying to destroy the Void) and Lucifer was eventually granted entrance into his own realm, for it was the only place it would be safe for Michael to die, and there it was that Lucifer impaled his brother and the Demiurge filled the Void.

However, Michael was reborn, healthy and full of life once again and he and his brother parted ways, for the two could never agree, fighting on opposite sides of the spectrum and Michael returns to Heaven where he seeks out Yahweh's counseling...counseling he does not approve of. So it is that Michael, the angel perhaps most loyal to The Presence is exiled from Heaven and he begins a quest with his various companions, a quest to find and rescue his daughter. This leads to numerous other adventures.

-Relative Omnipotence: The archangel Michael Demuirgos is the second most powerful being in the universe, equaled only by his twin brother, Lucifer, and surpassed only by their father, the God of the Covenant. When an unbound Spectre attempted to break through the doors of heaven in order to take back the soul of Jim Corrigan, it was Michael who defeated the Spectre in battle, and banished him away to another plane.

-Dunamis Demiurgos: In the beginning, Michael was given the Demiurge power by Yahweh, which gave him the ability to enable the physical creation of the cosmos to occur. However, although it was Michael's Demiurge power that created the universe out of nothingness, it was Lucifer who willed it into existence using his infinite will. Michael's only limitation is that he cannot manipulate what he has created, meaning that he cannot give shape to his creation. Only his twin brother, Lucifer, is capable of doing that. Together, Michael and Lucifer are capable of creating entire multiverses.

By releasing his Demiurgic power in blasts, he has shown himself capable of damaging Lucifer on two occasions during their fight at the tree of Yggdrasil. He has shown himself capable of growing in size as well as reforming his body after being "killed." His Demiurgic power is so powerful that, should Michael die, it would be released and would destroy all of creation.

-Exceptional Fighter, perhaps one of the best in the universe.

Michael is pretty awesome, he is depicted as Lucifer's  equal but getting killed a few times is kind of a low showing and the fact that he can only use his powers to create only when Lucifer is there is the reason I picked Superman Prime(DC one million) as more powerful than Michael.

4. Superman Prime (DC one million)
We should all know who superman is by now right? this is Superman from the story line DC One Million.

The vast Kryptonian powers that served to make him Superman also made Kal-El essentially immortal. He would watch as he out lived his parents, then his friends and then even his wife Lois. Still serving as the world's foremost champion he began to slow as the sadness of the losses began to mount. Legend then tells how close to the end of the twenty first century Superman Prime (as history will remember Kal-El) passed the responsibilities of being Superman to his heir, Superman Secundus, and created the Superman Dynasty. Then one day he left Earth.

The Return
His travels lasted from the 21st Century, and ended somewhere at the turn of the 700th Century. During his travels, he acquired vast abilities and skills from across the universe. When he returned he forged a covenant with his descendants, he would bestow upon them a small fraction of his power as long as they served for truth and justice. After the covenant he left and returned into his fortress of solitude in the center of the Super Sun.

When Solaris fired what he thought was the Knight Fragment at the Sun in order to kill Superman Prime, the Green Lantern retrieved a DNA sample from Solaris' core which had been placed there when he was constructed, starting a supernova reaction in Solaris' core. The Green Lantern then attempted to contain the explosion with his power ring. He was joined by Kal Kent who used his force vision to contain the explosion. Superman Prime suddenly reappeared from the sun after fifteen thousand years of absorbing solar energy and crushed the tyrant sun once and for all with the Green Lantern ring that Solaris had inadvertently given to him.

The time he spent in the sun magnified his already great power to presumably infinite levels. His strength and other countless abilities he gained also rose to unknown levels from the time he spent in the sun.

In the aftermath of Solaris' destruction a lot was revealed about Superman Prime's hibernation in the Super Sun. During this period, he had been waiting for Solaris' attempt on his life because he had foreknowledge of the events thanks to his time-traveling younger self. He knew about the DNA sample in Solaris' core and, with the help of Lzyxm Ltpkz (the Superman of the Fifth Dimension) and Hourman, used it to his advantage and, in the process, resurrected his beloved Lois Lane. After what seemed to him like an eternity, he had retreated into the sun to await her return and now a Silver Lois Lane and a Golden Superman Prime were reunited. In all the time since her death, life had held little meaning or warmth for him, but now Superman Prime felt he was complete once more.

We know what Superman is already capable of so I won't list his obvious powers but I will list his new powers.

-He now has powers of 5D imps.
-Superman Prime is also known as the Last Son of Krypton, as well as the Golden God.
-Superman Prime, at one point, held the last known Green Lantern Ring.
-Because of the extensive time, effort and experimentation given to Superman throughout his life he achieved an incredible level of power, effectively making him a 'god' and easily one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe.(Nigh-omnipotent)
-Immune to Kryptonite.
-Immune to Magic.
-Has an unknown amount of power from the source(I think the source was the original concept for the presence I am not sure since not much is know about it.) and unknown amount of knowledge as well after breaking through the source wall.
-Has a powerful Green Lantern Ring(not sure if it was the last green lantern ring or the most powerful.)
-Able to create universes and recreate Life from a piece of DNA with enhanced  physiology(Lois Lane is Silver and can fly, it's pretty much unknown.)
-Able to stop universes from distruction

He possibly has more powers than we can imagine but he's only been shown once so we can't be sure. Personally I rank him above Michael and Lucifer but there are a lot of people that like Lucifer Morningstar and I don't want to get into a debate that I lack knowledge for.

3. Lucifer Morningstar
"You also rule a world, Morpheus. A world of sleepers and dreamers, of stories. A simple place compared to hell. I envy you. Can you imagine what it was like? Ten billion years providing a place for dead mortals to torture themselves? And like all masochists, they called the shots. 'Burn me.' 'Freeze me.' 'Eat me.' 'Hurt me.' And we did. Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spent my entire day sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The Devil made me do it.' I have never made any one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them."

Lucifer Morningstar is a fallen rebel archangel who was cast out of Heaven and onto Earth as punishment for leading the revolt of the angels.

Eons ago, Lucifer Morningstar rebelled against the Kingdom of Heaven, and was cast into a shapeless void known as the Chaoplasm. The Chaoplasm was transformed into a desolate and barren expanse known by many as Hell, the final destination for damned souls. Here Morningstar ruled, awaiting the day he could be freed.

Lucifer was forced to share his power after the Great Darkness's return. A Triumverate was formed, but Lucifer retained the majority of power. At one point, Dream of the Endless entered Hell searching for the Helm that had been stolen from him when he was imprisoned. After Dream recovered his helm and slighted him, Morningstar threatened to destroy Dream.

Lucifer eventually abandoned his lordship over Hell. Lucifer had ruled as lord of Hell for ten billion years. Over that time, he had manipulated the various demons of Hell against each other, provided a place for dead mortals to be tormented, and led the war against Heaven. However, at some point during his rule, he had become bored with this existence. He became tired of the various stereotypes that mortals held of the devil, such as the idea that he purchased and traded for souls, which were largely untrue. He also resented the assumption that he caused the evils that humans did- he did not, in fact, have anything to do with the actions of the mortals who ended up there, he simply punished them. He had become tired of his reign over Hell, and felt it an unfair punishment that he should have to rule there forever simply because he once rebelled. These feelings were catalyzed when he was visited by Dream. Lucifer expelled all demons and damned souls from Hell before locking Hell's gates and handing over the key to Hell to Dream of the Endless. Eventually, control of Hell was handed over to two Angels, Duma (the angel of silence) and Remiel ("who stumbled rather than fell"), while Lucifer simply retired to Earth, specifically to Perth, Western Australia.

-Nigh-Omnipotence: Lucifer is able to manipulate any external force for any effect he desires. He cannot, however, create something out of nothing for this he needs the Demiurgic force of his brother Michael, and later his niece Elaine. Together, Michael and Lucifer are capable of creating anything from living beings to entire multiverses. His most common use of power is calling forth the fire of the various suns he used to birth and burning his opponents to ashes.

-Energy Projection
-Immortality: Lucifer will never grow physically old and can live forever. He is billions of years old. Only the Presence is said to have the strength to destroy him.
-Matter Absorption
-Reality Alteration
-Superhuman Speed
-Superhuman Stamina
-Superhuman Strength

-Genius Level Intellect
-Indomitable Will

Well Lucifer is probably the last being here that actually has a physical form.

2. Great Darkness

When the Creator said "let there be light", the Original Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. During the world-shattering event known as the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a cult known as the Brujeria wakened it in hope to destroy God and re-shape the world. This was the culmination of a series of arcane machinations labelled as "American Gothic". John Constantine and the Swamp Thing had worked for a long time to prevent the awakening, and now chose to oppose the Evil. Siding with them were a gathering of supernatural heroes, as well as parts of the angelic and demonic armies of Heaven and Hell. Another faction of Hell, led by the Demons Three, sided with the Darkness. The powerful Darkness soon gained consciousness but was unsure about the purpose of its existence.

Several heroes tried to battle it, but they were easily defeated and drawn into its almost infinite being. The encounters taught the Darkness a lot. Etrigan told the Darkness that it was Evil, Dr. Fate explained that Evil was despisable, and the Spectre taught it revenge. All the encounters only served to further strengthen the Darkness and point its aggression towards Heaven. Finally, Swamp Thing entered the Darkness, and tried to explain his theory of evil -- that good and evil define each other and that one cannot exist without its counterpart.

The Darkness then reached its hand towards Heaven, and to the surprise of everyone, God reached out his hand as well. The two of them embraced, and merged, and the Darkness became part of God's own being. The world was never the same again. Good and Evil would still exist, but were forever unseparable like Yin and Yang. The Darkness was never seen again, but the event sparked a civil war in Hell, that ended with it being ruled by a Triumvirate. The realm of the Darkness has since become known as the Shadowlands, power source for beings such as the Shade, Culp, Obsidian, and others.

Also know and The Great Evil beast, this being is the counterpart of the Presence and eventually they merged to become one. So you can tell why I picked this being to be my Top 2.

1. The Presence

The Presence is the white dude.

The Presence has taken numerous forms throughout history, including:
The Voice - the disembodied Voice of God that spoke to and empowered Jim Corrigan as the Spectre. This is the most "active" version of God seen, to the point that it even answers the Spectre's prayers by resurrecting the murdered Justice Society. When The Voice uttered the first word, it created The Word, and it was already being traced by Destiny in his book.
The Hand - the appearance of a hand coming out of a nebula was sighted at the moment of universal creation. This is the presence that the rogue Guardian Krona saw when he went back to the beginning of time. The hand was seen again by Swamp Thing, Deadman, and the Phantom Stranger when Heaven was threatened by a Great Darkness.
The Source - the universal spirit venerated by the New Gods, which resides beyond the Source Wall. It is thought of as the intelligence aspect of the Presence's infinite scope.
The Presence - the unseen entity who commands the allegiance of the host of angels, including Zauriel.



Strength level


Well that pretty much speaks for itself. This is the end of my top 10 thanks for reading and watching my video! till next time!

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